
Showing posts from 2007

Vanishing History

History is a funny thing. How much do you really know about the land you live on? What happened there fifty years ago? A hundred? A thousand? The land itself has a way of swallowing up its secrets. And what of the people? Each of us has lives filled with things that are important to us. Look around at the people at the mall, at the grocery store. Every one of them has things that are important to them, that fill up their lives too. With all this going on, how is it that we all read the same headlines? See the same wedding pictures of the same people as though we care about them? What makes them important to the rest of us? They have no real impact in our lives. How much do you know about what your father did? What filled his life? Or your grandfather? Or his grandfather? How far back do you have to go before every single fact about a person's life is completely forgotten? A life filled with things that were important to them, every one of those things lost forever. Think of 5000-60...