
Showing posts from 2008

Party Time!

I tend to avoid politics in my public everyday life, but I do have some strong views that sometimes go against the views of others of my beliefs. Confused? Let me explain. I was raised Christian, which in the Northeast, means Republican. You vote for the person against homosexual marriage, against abortion, and against cloning and stem cell research. Lately, I've been disagreeing with this philosophy for a number of reasons. The President, while having the final say on a law, does not make or break laws in and of himself. Thus, their own personal convictions have less to do with the laws that are passed or not passed then those of our Senators and Representatives. This country is more or less a business. We have budgets, committees, other corporations (countries) that we do business with/against, shareholders (citizens), and products for sale.  Shouldn't our CEO (President) be the best person for the business, instead of the best leader in their Church/Synagogue/Temple/whatever...

Shhhh. . . quiet time is over.

Been a while. I had a son, an heir to the empire that is me. Congratulate me. I command you, knave. Ok, enough of that, it seems to be going to my head. He's just too neat though. I can't help it.

Indiana Smith 4

I just went to see the new Indiana Jones movie last night. If you care about the spoiler side of things, just don't read this. I may be giving too much away for you. If not, keep going. I'm not a professional reviewer, nor do I even try to be (unlike some other bloggers, or perhaps hundreds or thousands of them), so this will not be a review, merely some thoughts. First let me say this: I thought it was good. Now, before you start tearing it apart technically, think about this. It's an Indiana Jones movie. What do you expect? It's not meant to be taken seriously, realistically, or as a pseudo-documentary. My friend Ryan said after it was over, "Some movies are unrealistic, and this one certainly was unrealistic." Wow, he's got a way with words. Yeah, that's an understatement. Escaping a nuclear test by hiding in a refrigerator and being blown ten miles over the desert, only to pop out unscathed is unrealistic. Point is, it was a movie that was made to ...

Secrets of Success

The secret to running a small business successfully is to either offer something no one else has, or offer it at a better price, or offer something they have only better. Since I'm not creative enough to think of something new, and can't do much of anything better than everyone else, I'm left with offering myself up to the finance gods for as little money as possible. Yep, I'm selling my talents for cheap, since they're not up to the par of charging through the nose for. Unless you have a great idea that doesn't cost anything to start, and that I can get really rich doing. Then feel free to let me in on it, and tell me again why you're not doing it yourself.

Financial Epiphany

The Maine economy is slow. There, I've said it. The system is made so that if you're not born into money, it's hard to get it. Then if you don't go to college, you can't make a living at all. If you do go to college, you end up with a wage that's just barely above what your old high school classmates are making after you pay your student loans. And God help you if you chose not to finish college and got married and had kids. Now you have student loans, no degree, and an endless supply of expenses. Add these to the seemingly implied wage cap of $15/hr, and you end up with an economy in need of some serious overhauling. Well, that, and a pile of anti-depressant drugs. It seems there are two options for people who didn't see their limited opportunities in time. Leave the state, or come up with some business to peddle to other people and businesses. Charge enough so you can make some money, but not enough that people won't buy. I've tried computer re...


We've been moving all kinds of stuff around at the store. If we do this long enough, I'll look like I actually fit in around all the fitness equipment. I hope we don't.

Less Insanity

It's getting better, or at least promises to. Got a little more in my check than expected yesterday, and paid everybody a little bit. Keeps them quiet for another week, then I ignore them for the week after that and give them a little more then. Vicious cycle, but someone's got to do it.


It's been a bit crazy lately. Food is low, bills are late, house inspection was today, hours are short at work, and new baby is coming. Yep, insanity rules my life apparently.