Indiana Smith 4
I just went to see the new Indiana Jones movie last night. If you care about the spoiler side of things, just don't read this. I may be giving too much away for you. If not, keep going. I'm not a professional reviewer, nor do I even try to be (unlike some other bloggers, or perhaps hundreds or thousands of them), so this will not be a review, merely some thoughts. First let me say this: I thought it was good. Now, before you start tearing it apart technically, think about this. It's an Indiana Jones movie. What do you expect? It's not meant to be taken seriously, realistically, or as a pseudo-documentary. My friend Ryan said after it was over, "Some movies are unrealistic, and this one certainly was unrealistic." Wow, he's got a way with words. Yeah, that's an understatement. Escaping a nuclear test by hiding in a refrigerator and being blown ten miles over the desert, only to pop out unscathed is unrealistic. Point is, it was a movie that was made to ...