Financial Epiphany

The Maine economy is slow. There, I've said it. The system is made so that if you're not born into money, it's hard to get it. Then if you don't go to college, you can't make a living at all. If you do go to college, you end up with a wage that's just barely above what your old high school classmates are making after you pay your student loans. And God help you if you chose not to finish college and got married and had kids. Now you have student loans, no degree, and an endless supply of expenses. Add these to the seemingly implied wage cap of $15/hr, and you end up with an economy in need of some serious overhauling. Well, that, and a pile of anti-depressant drugs.
It seems there are two options for people who didn't see their limited opportunities in time. Leave the state, or come up with some business to peddle to other people and businesses. Charge enough so you can make some money, but not enough that people won't buy. I've tried computer repair in the past, but now with the price of new computers reaching below $300 sometimes, it's cheaper to buy a new one than to fix your old one. That's not working. I'm trying one more thing, web development, before I give up completely and move away from the state I know, and family I love. This is the last ditch effort to stay put. I'm not sure why I'm so stubborn about not leaving, I guess it's just that I expect it would be the same anywhere else. Maybe not. Maybe I can make this work. We'll see.


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