Insanity Plan

No, I'm not starting a new trendy fitness plan. Instead, we're going to be downsizing our living space. Drastically. I'm talking five bedroom house to an RV. Yep, four kids and two adults into an itty bitty living space.

Now, before you think we're too crazy, realize we're only using 2-3 bedrooms now anyway, the three girls are all together, and the boy tends to land random places before morning anyway. I found him sleeping on the floor in the kitchen more than once. The other bedroom we're using is for my office space, which we'll be renting separately, so won't need that much either.

We're also cheating in other ways. This won't be in the middle of the wilderness, we're camping out next to family's house, so we can plug in there, get water there, use the washer and dryer there, and throw kids into the house to sleep for something of a change if we want. It really won't be that bad, but as we embark on this adventure, I'll try to share the crazier times with you.

We're all bringing two books, and five changes of clothes. Other things, like the dining room table and washer and dryer are going into storage. This won't be exactly roughing it, but it will be cutting expenses immensely, and I'm getting a second job (part time delivery driver) to increase revenue. Hopefully this combination will turn this adventure into more of a life venture, fixing bad credit, and becoming a house at some point.

I'm picking up the RV today, a 32 foot 1988 Itasca Windcruiser. It's bought and paid for, and registered. Crossing my fingers that it'll make the 54 mile drive it needs to before breaking down.


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