Catching up (Imported from 20AUG15)

20 August 2015
There was more that happened between then and now, including an overnight at Maine Medical Center because I couldn’t swallow my own spit after another endoscopy, but I thought it would be good just to catch up and keep things current.
I got my radiation schedule today, which starts on Monday, and my last treatment is on my birthday, October 1. I can’t think of a more fitting present. I’m sitting in the waiting room for the oncologist right now to go over the plan for the chemotherapy. I’m not sure what to expect with that yet.
I got a phone call earlier regarding paperwork for work, so that can be cleared up. I tried calling back and had to leave a message. I expect they’ll try again during the appointment.
I’m feeling tired today, but not as bad as earlier. I was able to force a piece of Little Caesars pizza down with half a gallon of water.
It’s been hot lately and I want to shave my hair and beard, but I’d wonder the rest of my life how the chemotherapy would have affected them, so I’ll leave them alone.
I’m headed to Scarborough tomorrow to meet with the thoracic surgeon who will be performing my surgery. They want me to get a wedge pillow to get used to sleeping up. They’ll give me one down there for free though, and I thought it would be good to meet her, since I missed my appointment last Monday being in the hospital.
More to come later, after this appointment.


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