Transitions (Imported from 14JNOV2015)
11 November 2015
This is my last weekend eating for a while. I know, it’s only a week before I get to eat something again, two weeks before soft foods, three weeks before normal foods, and that’s not that long, especially considering what some people go through, but it’s still a bit for my mind to grasp. I was looking over the paperwork again today, and it’s not even as restrictive as I thought. When I’m on clear liquids for the week after I get home, that even includes Cream of Wheat and yogurt. I expect it won’t be the fruity yogurt I normally have, but a smooth plainer yogurt, but that’s still better than I thought.
This is my last weekend eating for a while. I know, it’s only a week before I get to eat something again, two weeks before soft foods, three weeks before normal foods, and that’s not that long, especially considering what some people go through, but it’s still a bit for my mind to grasp. I was looking over the paperwork again today, and it’s not even as restrictive as I thought. When I’m on clear liquids for the week after I get home, that even includes Cream of Wheat and yogurt. I expect it won’t be the fruity yogurt I normally have, but a smooth plainer yogurt, but that’s still better than I thought.
I’m going to also be transitioning this blog to a more normal blog, with subjects other than my cancer. Once you have this disease though, even if it’s clear, you’re still fighting it. Life is different forever. It’s not something that ever goes away, even when it does. My day to day life is changed. I won’t be able to eat the same way, sleep the same way, or look at fundraisers the same way. I’ve joined a club I never applied to, and I can’t seem to get my dues refunded. I’ll be fighting this every day, and I look forward to the days in the future that I can go an entire 24 hours without thinking about it. I’m sure they’ll exist, but they don’t yet.
I’ll keep the name of the blog the same, but I hope to write about other random things. Perhaps my new/old hobby of plastic models, or books I’m reading, or my thoughts on computers and technology. There are a ton of tech blogs out there, and a ton of book blogs, and blogs by parents with kids who do cute things. I’m not going to try to be any one of them, because I’m not sure I can do any better, but it’ll just be my thoughts on whatever I’m doing that day.
Hang in there everyone, and keep smiling. Life is better than you think.