Surgery Imminent (Imported from 09NOV2015)

09 November 2015

Next Monday, I head down to Portland to prepare for surgery on Tuesday. A week and a half ago, I visited the surgeon’s office, signed consent forms for the possible contingencies, and went over the procedure. Last week I did some research on the surgery, and the numbers aren’t very encouraging, at least at first. The open style esophagectomy, which they used to do, has a mortality rate of 10% in the first month. Yep, 10% of patients that have this done die soon after. This drops to 5% for the minimally invasive surgery, which I’m having done, and drops further if the surgeon is experienced, which mine is. Also, my age (36) helps a lot. I’m the youngest patient most of the people working in that office have seen.

I found out what tubes and so on will be sticking out of me when I wake up (always good to not have that surprise you) and that I should be staying there for 8 days. They did some blood work and an EKG to make sure I was in shape for the surgery as well. A few days later, they told me my white blood cell count was low (as it was throughout the chemotherapy treatments) and they wanted to check that again. I had blood taken today to do that. I’m hoping that will be okay, but they apparently have a shot they can give me to boost my white blood cell production if needed.

I’ve been prescribed an adjustable bed, but I’m not sure how to go about getting it yet. I’m still looking into that. That’s probably the part I’m least looking forward to, not laying down again ever. Removal of the esophagus will involve part of the stomach too, and the sphincter that keeps the stomach acid where it should be will be gone, so if I lay down, I could aspirate and develop pneumonia (which stomach acid in your lungs is apparently a bad thing.)

I’m also not looking forward to having a liquid diet on Thanksgiving, but I am grateful that we found the problem when we did, and that they are able to fix it rather than just sending me home to die. I’d rather drink my dinner for a week than die.


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